
Ja, idag har jag varit med alfred och senare på kvällen har jag firat farmors födelsedag med resterande familjemedlemmar, farfar och också mormor och morfar. Potatisgratäng och oxfilé <3 m-mm.
Annars har jag varit ute på promenad med alfred och hans familj (minus 3 syskon) och ramlat på rumpan :D Så har jag beställt biljetter till twilight! Imorn hämtar vi dom :D vi being jag och yoso. underbart.

nu kollar jag på körslaget och det är najs. puss.


infinty amount of minutes to save the world

Well, well, so we're back here again. I remember promising to update everyday some days ago. That went well. But this is me trying.
So, yesterday, Christmas. I'm pleased with my presents and my siblings seem to feel the same. Everyone loved my rhymes which was funny. I sincerley hope that kicks has like a half price sale on all of their perfumes, because I really need a new perfume. I was expecting one for christmas, but my parents couldnt find the one i wanted (my dad had been searching airports) so i didnt get one. I did on the other hand get 500 kr from my grandparents, so I'm not sure wether i should spend all of the money on the perfume, of wait untill i get some more money. Oh well.
Tonight I'm going to my grandparents for a big dinner thing. I'll be wearing my new dress that I got yesterday and waiting for körslaget to start, haha. Tomorrow we're celebrating my grandmas birthday. The best part is that I get great food, haha.
THEN on saturday, I get to see alfred :* :D:D:D OCH SANDRA KOMMER HEM. on sunday it's twilight, again, wooh!

I want to get back to school and start studying. I really want good grades for january. Speaking of which, I have to do my chem lab report and study for bio. blöh and we still need to decide a song to play in music. shizzle. so, my final IB choices, are:

English A1 - HL
Swedish A1 - SL
Economy - HL
Biology - HL
Chemistry - SL
Math Standard - SL

im aiming for like ca 38 points, i think. I hope it'll be ok. And I hope we get our grades this year in both swedish and IB grades. Anyway, I think I've written enough.

¨< omnomnom


Today var inte speciellt händelserikt.
Firstly we had physics. Jag känner att fysikprovet antagligen kommer att gå ganska bra :D
Senare svenska. Jag håller med linn och säger att Löfgren förklarar lite bra som en kossa. SNARARE EN VALROSS :@ Inte konstigt att folk får ig. Sämst. Amir hit och hassan dit. boken är sämst ändå. bara missöde på missöde.
Sedan lunch. blöh
Kemi, läraren glömde mitt prov :( Vi lärde oss om Hess'sssssss law. det var knas.Sen masserade jag Carlo. Radenko körde en ebba och sa "OMG are you touching him? DOES THIS MEAN YOU DONT WANT ME?" "well i wanted you radenko, but you didnt want me. so i figured it didnt matter!" "So, what? It's over?!" "No radenko, i still want you." "Well touching him isnt the best way of showing that!" I dont know where our relationship stands.
Sedan stan med yoso! <3 Vi shoppade presenter åt diverse folk. Har bara wilma och alfred kvar nu. Sedan fikade vi och gossipade lite, hihi. det var en massa mys.
Dessutom träffade man snygglisa också :D
Nu är jag hemma och skittrött. Ska plugga lite kanske. mhmm.
puss en massa
¨< omnomnom.

The Buzz

So, what is the new buzz of Åva? Or shall I say of IB?!
The new, unknown boy is who is on everyone's lips. (Some wishing this was literal) You guessed it, it's Niclas Finer.
So what do we know about this boy? From what I've managed to collect about him, he is something like swedish but half english, while currently living in Brussels. The boy is my age (93, MHMM!) with an eyebrow piercing. He has been claimed by various girls in class and his arrival is much anticipated.

I will keep you all updated on the

Now, for something else. Ywsterday I managed to get my tongue stuck in a straw. It now hurts. As does my throat and my arm. Tonight is dinner @ malin's crib. be jelouse. (hehe, yoso)

that is all

¨< omnomnom

Love Philosophy

First of all, i WAS going to write something yesterday, but spending time with alfred prevented me from doing so. With that said, let's begin.

Yesterday we ended incredibly early (10:45 instead of 15:00) and the majority of my class celebrated this by eating lunch at McDonalds. When we were all full and aware of Carlo's new hair fettish, we set off to the sports hall where the boys and linn played ping pong :D Sandra and I spent the time trying to memorize the lyrics for all the lucia songs.
At the same time, Radenko kept touching Linn, so I made a scene and broke up with him. When I wanted him back he didnt want me, yet he did say he loved me. I dont know where our relationship stands now. Yet Im not that crushed, as I do get my daily dose of Carlo. And, as I so wonderfully said "Who need porn when you have Carlo?" (I also stated "Who needs wrists when you have knees.)

- ok, im watching Mtv right now, and it's the euro top 20, k? And Katy Perry's 'I kissed a girl' is not only still on the list, but at number 4?! Will the lesbian song craze ever end? And isnt her know song better? Or at least more on? Crazy -

Back to love. Speaking of porn - which really isnt love - I also have the oh-so cute choir boy who keeps stealing the attention of my eyes. Then of course there is my real boyfriend who obviously gives me what i want and need. :D

What will I do with all these boys?! My, oh my I'm in a sticky situation.

Now, on a more serious note, today went well. I was slightly nervous at first, but it all went well. The lyrics didnt leave me, so yeah. By the 3rd time and started getting boring and by the 4th, and last, time I really just wanted it to end, haha. The trumpet part was pretty. All in all I think it was the BEST LUCIA TRAIN EVER HEHEHEH eller kanske.

Tonight I'll be meeting Julia and hopefully that will be fun. Before I leave you all, I have to tell my hilarious joke i came up with today

" En Ebba och en Josephine gick över en väg. Josephine blev överkörd. Då sa Ebba, kom nu Joos så går vi" ehheheheheh den var rolig. ok, nu orkar jag inte med.

¨< omnomnom.

Blank Page

I dont know how often I'll be updating this blogg, but yeah. I'll try to do so as often as possible. This will be the daily events and also my oh-so-philosophical thoughts.
Today was slow. Started off with history, where I couldn't do my test because of more-ten. We got sources, mhmm. Then i spent some time studying various systems in different animals and labeling all the pieces of the heart och the digestive system in bio. After that we had lunch and no math, so we PIB-N did our physics paper (we copied alicia mostly, haha) and then we did some math, or some of us did. later on we had chemistry which was educative and mats (yoso's man) let us end early. I ended up persuading yoso to follow me to täby where we fixed shizzle and got me comviq. then she went home and i went to baby's house. He hade made a fancyschmancy dinner and it was muchas good. we had a water fight and i had damp. otherwise it was all good and we had fun :} (misstolka inte det josephine, linn och sandra + alla andra så klart) Sedan var moder snäll och hämtade mig och jag drack te osv när jag kom hem.

Random that i just switched to swedish, lolz. I have a new, improved idea for my book btw. i shall start writing asap.
I miss my friends that I don't hang out with anymore (fingal und jacqueline) in particular. Im too tired for more philosophical thoughts, so i'll right some more some other time :D

¨< omnomnom.


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